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Gym Storage Rack

Asking Prize : 5000

6/12/2020 4:00:20 PM

Product Description

STORAGE RACK PART1 : Pillar 100x6x6cm PART2 : Pillar 150x6x6cm PART3 : Pillar 200x6x6cm PART4 : Dumbbells rack 140x45cm PART5 : KettleBells Rack 140x45cm PART6 : WallBalls-bumper-slamball rack 140x45cm ( only the rack w/o the Fitness Accessories)

(5 / 10 / 4180 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( HotShot Sports and Gym Sales )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 33861335 )

number of ads : ( 116 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

STORAGE RACK PART1 Pillar 100x6x6cm PART2 Pillar 150x6x6cm PART3 Pillar 200x6x6cm PART4 Dumbbells rack 140x45cm PART5 KettleBells Rack 140x45cm PART6 WallBallsbumperslamball rack 140x45cm only rack Fitness AccessoriesGym Storage Rack